suggestion about fdisk/bsdlabel examples in handbook section 19.4

Rocco Caputo rcaputo at
Tue Jan 29 07:44:40 UTC 2008

Section 19.4 makes it sound scary to set up gmirror for a disk with  
multiple slices.  It cautions:

> It is possible to have separate partitions for other mount points;  
> however, this will increase the difficulty level ten fold due to  
> manual alteration of the bsdlabel(8) and fdisk(8) settings.

And after the fdisk and bsdlabel examples, it notes:

> Note: If multiple slices and partitions exist, the flags for the  
> previous two commands will require alteration. They must match the  
> slice and partition size of the other disk.

Why can't the fdisk and bsdlabel examples copy the configuration of  
the original disk?  For example:

# fdisk -p /dev/da0 | fdisk -vBI -f - /dev/mirror/gm0
# bsdlabel /dev/da0s1 | bsdlabel -RB /dev/mirror/gm0s1 -

Would those commands simplify gmirror setup?

Rocco Caputo - rcaputo at

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