[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: HTML file]]

Deb Goodkin deb at freebsd.org
Tue Feb 26 15:58:17 UTC 2008

I didn't hear back from anyone regarding this email, so I think it got 
rejected through the SPAM filtering. I had this problem with the 
freebsd-announce mailing list.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: Re: HTML file]
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 14:12:25 -0700
From: Deb Goodkin <deb at freebsd.org>
To: doc at freebsd.org

Late last year, we had talked about adding a Donate button in the
Project's website header. Here is a button that our designer did for us.
He had difficulty emailing me the html. So, in the following paragraph,
he describes what is needed to add the button. Anyway, the button should
be in a prominent place that is visible on all pages. The button should
link to the foundation's donate page. Please let me know if you have any


Deb Goodkin
The FreeBSD Foundation

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: HTML file
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 12:47:54 -0700
From: The Wolfe Pack <thewolfepack at comcast.net>
To: Deb Goodkin <deb at freebsd.org>
References: <p06240800c3c7b5829274@[]>
<47A207F9.2040706 at freebsd.org> <p06240802c3c7ba97c37c@[]>
<47A21CFF.1080305 at freebsd.org>

OK.  Then I think what we have to do is send your project web person
a GIF file of the button - without type - he/she will import it into
what ever web program they are using, type in the "Keep Free BSD
Free!  Donate Today!" copy into a form within the button and save it
as an html image on their image list.  Complicated and cumbersome
isn't it?!

>Actually, I do have Dreamweaver installed. It came up with a black 
>outlined box with FreeBSD text in the middle with a check mark. It's 
>the look when it can't find a graphic it's supposed to display.
>The Wolfe Pack wrote:
>>It showed up as code and not a graphic? Did you get Dreamweaver 
>>with you package?  If so, try opening the file and click on 
>>"Design" in the View drop down and see if it doesn't show up as the 
>>yellow button with the red border.  Let me know what you find.
>>>I think so. It was around 3 lines of code. I haven't heard back 
>>>from the project yet.
>>>The Wolfe Pack wrote:
>>>>Just checking in to see if the html button file came through and 
>>>>if you were able to forward it on the the web person.

Laury Wolfe
The Wolfe Pack, Inc.
p. 303-449-4953
f. 303-379-8783
e. thewolfepack at comcast.net
w. http://wolfe-pack.com

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