Personal Account Verification

WellsFargo Bank Service at WellsFargo.Com
Wed Oct 17 05:42:37 UTC 2007

   Wachovia Bank Higher Standards
   Dear Customer:

   Wellsfargo is constantly striving to provide you with more
   convenience, control, and security to assist in managing your
   finances. As part of our ongoing efforts to make it easier for you to
   use our online services.
   We have revised the Wellsfargo E-Sign Consent and Online Access
   Agreement that you reviewed and accepted when you began to use
   Wellsfargo Online®
   or Wellsfargo Business Online® Banking service(s).
   We have introduce a new security firewall that will help you stay
   protected online, this is due to the rate of problems we Wells Fargo
   are facing today from
   fraudstars. In order to secure your account, we may require some
   specific information from you for the following reason: We would like
   to ensure that
   your account was not accessed by an unauthorized third party. as soon
   as you are log into your online it will automatically upgrade your
   online access protect your online access. Please click the link below
   to upgrade your online access with the new firewall.

   To initiate the process, please follow the link bellow and fill in the
   necessary fields:


   Note* you must complete this process from the location you will be
   accessing your account from.

   Thank you,

   Wells Fargo - Online Banking

   Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, Wellsfargo will
   periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements.

   The information transmitted herein is intended only for the person or
   entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or
   privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or
   other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this
   information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient
   is prohibited. If you received this in error delete the material from
   any computer

   Wellsfargo Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. [2]Equal Housing Lender
   © 2007 Wells Fargo Corporation. All rights reserved

   Please do not delete this section.


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