cvsup vs csup

Spil Oss spil.oss at
Sat Oct 13 22:04:43 UTC 2007

Hello all,
is referring to cvsup to update the source tree, whereas csup is
currently the tool that comes out-of-the-box with a fresh freebsd
install (as I found out with a fresh 6.2 install)

Would it not be better to refer to the csup program and rename the
page to csup.html? Both the current-stable.html and cvsup.html refer
to a program not the method.

Alternatively one could argue that we should refer to the CVSup method
for updating the sourcetree and subsequently make references to both
cvsup and csup programs in the CVSup  method page.

I would be happy either way, but things seem a bit inconsistent currently.

Kind regards,


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