RFC: The end of the contributors article

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jan 18 19:38:57 UTC 2007

Joel Dahl <joel at freebsd.org> wrote
  in <1168876561.1102.17.camel at jesus.automatvapen.se>:

jo> Mån 2007-01-15 klockan 21:22 +0900 skrev Hiroki Sato:
jo> >  So, well, please go ahead if you do not mind it since updating the
jo> >  list is really important.  But if you have another plan such as
jo> >  maintaining the list in an HTML page only, please elaborate the plan
jo> >  in more detail.  Just I want to make sure.
jo> I'm perfectly happy with a database and I don't think our plans conflict
jo> with each other.  I want to improve the way we present the actual data
jo> to our visitors, by updating and adding more content, and do some
jo> restructuring (for example by moving it to www, which seems to be a more
jo> natural place for this information).  What you want to do is
jo> implementing a way to store the actual data in order for us to easily
jo> access it from doc/www, which also would reduce the maintenance cost
jo> significantly.  With such a database in place, I think it would be quite
jo> easy to convert my work to take advantage it.  Maintaining it in plain
jo> HTML is a PITA, and I'd like to avoid that if possible, of course.  :-)

 Sorry for the delay.  Thanks for clarification and my concern proves
 unfounded now.  Please go ahead!

| Hiroki SATO
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