[UPDATE] RFC: The end of the contributors article

Niclas Zeising niclas.zeising at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 17:53:52 UTC 2007

Joel Dahl wrote:
> Tis 2007-01-16 klockan 16:06 +0300 skrev Andrew Pantyukhin:
>> On 1/16/07, Joel Dahl <joel at freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> 7.  Comments, suggestions & feedback much appreciated.
>> b. I wonder if you plan to move out the rest of the stuff
>>    from the contributors article. I for one would appreciate it
>>    very much, I often have to go there to look up names and/or
>>    e-mail addresses.
> Yes, that's the plan.  The donations stuff belongs on the donations www
> page, and for the developer lists I'd like to create something similar
> to what Gentoo has (excluding the away system and the area of
> responsibility stuff):
>   http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/roll-call/userinfo.xml

I like the idea of doing something similar.  It looked kind of good on 
the gentoo page.  Maybe we should have some sort of "areas of 
responsibility" where appropriate, at least so people know who to 
contact if they need help?  Just a thought (as always)

> Collecting all this stuff in one place would really make maintenance
> less painful, especially if hrs implements a database containing
> developer info.


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