RFC: The end of the contributors article

Remko Lodder remko at elvandar.org
Fri Jan 12 09:45:25 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 01:49:55AM +0100, Joel Dahl wrote:
> Today I decided to finally do what I've been planning to do for a long
> time: move stuff out of the contributors article and instead place it
> under www/.
> I started with the teams etc and you can see the results here (nowhere
> near finished yet though):
> http://people.freebsd.org/~joel/wii/team.html
> So, why bother anyway?  Well:
> -  Better information about what the different teams do and what their
>    responsibilities are.  Our developers are generally very confused
>    when it comes to finding the right person to talk to, for example
>    when requesting repo-copies or new perforce accounts etc.  This will
>    hopefully improve the situation somewhat.
> -  The translation teams generally don't translate the contributors
>    article since it doesn't seem to be worth the effort.  Hopefully
>    this will change now, since this can be quite important information
>    even for non-English speaking people.
> -  Email addresses are not completely visible anymore. 
> -  This information does not really belong in an article.
> -  This is more up-to-date and includes a lot more teams etc.
> Feedback much appreciated.  I'd be grateful if someone could help me out
> with writing more descriptions of the various teams.  Also, if someone
> could triple-check the document for obvious mistakes, such as wrong team
> members on the wrong teams etc, that would be great.
> I haven't really decided where to put it yet, or what to call it, so
> suggestions are welcome here as well.
> It's late here and I'm *so* tired, so sorry for any typos...
> -- 
> Joel

Go go go!

Kind regards,

     Remko Lodder               ** remko at elvandar.org
     FreeBSD                    ** remko at FreeBSD.org

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