offline Handbook versions still outdated
finwepalantir at
finwepalantir at
Thu Feb 8 13:20:34 UTC 2007
Dear FreeBSD Doc Team,
I downloaded the file book.html-split.tar.bz2 from
and it says "Welcome to FreeBSD! This handbook covers the installation and day to day use
of FreeBSD 5.5-RELEASE and FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE." but the online version on the FreeBSD
site has been updated to cover the FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE.
The timestamp for those two files in the directory in the central mirrors was 12/01/2006
06:34:00 AM. I can confirm that and also shown the same timestamp.
I know the effort of keeping all mirror sites with updated Handbook files has to be a
hard job and I give you kudos for that. The reason why I want to get an updated version
of the FreeBSD Handbook is because I am going to become a FreeBSD user. So, please, could
you tell me where I can downdoad an updated version of Handbook?
Sincerely yours,
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