Document for how to work with patches?

Matthew May mdmay74 at
Thu Feb 8 07:21:08 UTC 2007

Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a FreeBSD document somewhere that explains how to
> work with patches?  As experienced FreeBSD developers, we often take
> this for granted, but a lot of newbies do not.
> Something that explains how to create a patch, how to apply a patch, etc.
> would be useful.  It would actually be useful to have this, not just
> for FreeBSD, but for other open source projects.

Is `man patch` not sufficient?

Mind you, looking at that on my current box (FBSD 6.1-R) I don't see the 
bit about using `diff -Naur original patched` which I'm sure I read 


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