Updates to freebsd.org/publish.html

Chess Griffin chess at chessgriffin.com
Thu Dec 27 05:00:21 UTC 2007

I would like to suggest a few changes/updates to

Michael Lucas' book, 'Absolute FreeBSD' was recently updated to a
Second Edition.  Perhaps an updated link[1], cover art image, and
description in place of the 'Absolute BSD' book would be appropriate.

Dru Lavigne's book, 'The Best of FreeBSD Basics'[2], was recently sent
to the printers and should be available in a week or two.[3]
A preemptive listing might be good.

Two other No Starch Press books are probably relevant as well:  The Book
of PF[4] (released) and Building a Server with FreeBSD[5] (coming early

Also, should the CD images be updated?  The last one shown is for 4.5.

[1] http://www.absolutefreebsd.com/
[2] http://www.reedmedia.net/books/freebsd-basics/
[4] http://nostarch.com/frameset.php?startat=pf
[5] http://nostarch.com/frameset.php?startat=freebsdserver


Chess Griffin
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