obsolete references

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Thu Apr 26 21:00:13 UTC 2007

paul beard wrote:
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-ipv6.html
> You reference connecting to the 6bone network on this page, but that 
> page is obsolete.

You are of course correct, thanks for bringing this to our attention. 
I've deleted all the references to the 6bone in both doc/ and www/, 
and also updated the 3ffe:* addresses to use the prefix define for 
documentation in RFC 3849. However I did not go through all the docs 
looking for other possible IPv6 addresses that might need to be 

Cutting out the 6bone stuff in 29.10.3 shortened the section 
considerably, but most of the stuff that was cut was just a 
description of how to do by hand what the text in 29.10.5 describes 
how to automate with rc.conf, so it seems like a good trade. If 
someone wants to go back in and restore 29.10.3 with a real example, I 
won't object.




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