search engine for FreeBSD PRs..

John Baldwin jhb at
Mon Apr 23 18:44:17 UTC 2007

If you use FireFox and surf over to you will 
see that if you click on the search engines menu, you will be able to add a 
new "FreeBSD PRs" search to your list of search engines.  This is done via an 
OpenSearch xml file ( and the 
following in the <head> of my index.html:

    <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" 
title="FreeBSD PRs" href="FreeBSD_PRs.xml">

The way this search works is that you can type a PR number (or cat/number, 
such as kern/12345) in the search box and it will pull up that PR.  Does 
anyone else find this useful?  If so, I think it would be neat to add it to 
either the front page (you can have multiple searches for a page, so we could 
also add a generic search too if desired),, or

John Baldwin

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