CELAB (tm) Your Solution in Certification

tunis at celab.com tunis at celab.com
Mon Apr 16 21:34:16 UTC 2007

   Sirs, .

   we would like= to introduce you our company.

   We are= a indipendent certification body, accredited by Italian
   Government, for

   EMC directives for CE Mark.

   We are looking for accredited ISO 17025 testing laboratories= that
   would to open

   a collaboration with= our company.

   If you are interested in= a collaboration, and you would to have more
   dettails, please [1]follow this link,

   if you are not interested on this ativities , [2]follow this link, we
   will not contact you anymore.

   If= you are interested to visit our web page, please go to

   Thanks for you coolaboration

   Kind regards

   Claudia Berardo

   Vice President of CELAB


   CELAB Srl

   via maira snc

   04100 LAtina


   tel +39 0773 665421

   fax +39= 0773 417534


   1. 3D"http://www.intranet.celab.com/celab/doc_view/default.aspx?%3dLp3-rrJZ88...%5cFzIW%2f%5cFU%7e8Fz%7eWvBu%40K%5c-r%7eIq72iw3RE7w9w%3f7apLeq%3dw%3fp3fS7YYDQcUFT%3bvzzt%3f%3d%5cUvKqFcFvF3%7c%7cws"   2. 3D"http://www.intranet.celab.com/celab/doc_view/default.aspx?%3dLp3-rrJZ88...%5cFzIW%2f%5cFU%7e8cU%40rFU%40rWFr%7ez%5c-r%7eq72iw3_%3d%3d7Lte_pSeR%3f7q%3dw%3fp3fS7YYDQcUFT%3bvzzt%3f%3d%5cUvKqFcFvF3%7cGs_"   3. 3D"http://www.intranet.celab.com/celab/doc_view/default.aspx?%3dLp3-rrJZ88...%5cFzIW%2f%5cFU%7e8Fz%7eWvBu%40K%5c-r%7eIq72iw3RE7w9w%3f7aOwtq%3dw%3fp3fS7YYDQcUFT%3bvzzt%3f%3d%5cUvKqFcFvF3%7c%7cws"

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