IRC Channels in FreeBSD FAQ
Atte Peltomäki
oranki at
Tue Sep 26 17:05:00 UTC 2006
On 9/26/06, Lars Engels <lars.engels at> wrote:
> Hi Doc Team!
> I just stumbled upon
> There are far more FreeBSD-related channels on IRC than those.
> The Wiki has an own page for this:
> Perhaps the link to the Wiki should be added to the FAQ?
I believe the link as such should not be added, as it includes no guidance
about the nature of the channels. eg. #freebsd at IRCNet is much like it's
EFNet counterpart, only even more abusive towards newbies. And EFNet's
#bsdcode really serves a minor purpose these days, as a new channel has
been dedicated for those who really work on the sources, leaving #bsdcode
a mere hangaround joint.
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