man pages and handbooks

Joel Dahl joel at
Sat Sep 23 15:23:31 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-09-18 at 12:43 +0100, Paul Wilson wrote:
> On 16/09/06, Duane Whitty <duane at> wrote:
>         I intend to work on this one way or another.  Hopefully it
>         will happen in a way that makes it readily available to the
>         wider FreeBSD developer community.  I can host a server and
>         docs if necessary but it sounds like the Perforce repo 
>         already running would be ideal.  I'll have to install the
>         client and come up to speed on using it but I don't
>         anticipate it being a problem.
> What's the next move then? I'm eager to get the ball rolling :) 

Sorry for the delay[*].

I've discussed this briefly with a couple of doc committers and we're a
bit unsure about how to proceed.  My suggestion is that you (Paul and
Duane) do something like this:

1.  Start out by defining what areas you would like to work on, this way
it'll be easier for us to know what we can expect.

2.  Work together in some way, and keep your work synchronized.

3.  Submit patches to doc@, and CC hackers@ or arch@ (but not both!) if
you need some clever kernel hacker to review your work.  Try to send
small incremental patches, since it will be a lot easier for us to
review and commit them that way.  PR's may also be a good idea.

If all this becomes a major PITA to handle, maybe we can discuss setting
up p4 accounts etc.  I'm very interested in getting the ball rolling,
but I'd like to see some results (patches etc) before someone sets you
up with p4 accounts.  You would do the project a big favor if you are
able to finish this project, and I am very much looking forward to start
reviewing your patches.  The Arch handbook has been lacking in content
for far too long now.

[*] /me kicks everyone in CVSROOT-doc/access.  Am I the only interested
in docs these days?  What could possibly be more interesting then doc
discussions?  ;-)


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