Hungarian translation

Gábor Kövesdán gabor at
Wed Sep 13 18:09:59 UTC 2006

Terbe Péter wrote:
> Hi!
> I've translated some pages of the documentation to my language 
> (hungarian) just for try. It would be good to have a full 
> documentation for the hungarian people, but I can't see any teams or 
> even tries working on it. If this is the case, could it be possible 
> for me to try to collect some people and let it work on the hungarian 
> project? Of course I could start working on it even if you wouldn't 
> answer but I think it would be easier with the support of the official 
> docproject.
> Regards,
> Peter Terbe
> sncdev at

Hi Peter,

I thought we already discussed to work together, but you haven't replied 
to my mail. As I said before, www/hu is near to a quite complete status, 
so your work will be still appreciated. I sent you some pieces of docs 
to translate in my previous mail that you didn't reply. You can check my 
snapshot here but note that there's some kind of rendering issue if your 
browser is Javascript-enabled:

Note, that it would be worth to have the website translated before 
working on the actual documentation so that we have a place to put those 
documents to.
Also note, that it would be nice if we worked organized. If more people 
are working on the same thing individually but don't know about each 
others that would result in unnecessary work by one of them, that's why 
I sorry so much that you don't reply to me. Imho, we can do more if we 
work as a team.
I'm looking forward to your answer.



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