
Cezary Morga cezarym at data.pl
Fri Oct 20 21:45:40 UTC 2006


I have just noticed some inconsistency with the 5.7. Desktop Environments 
Handbook chapter. At least it seems so to me. It's between lines 1533 and 
1579 in en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/x11/chapter.sgml.

The Handbook says:
"If a display manager such as XDM is being used, the configuration is slightly 
different. Edit the .xsession file instead. Instructions for kdm are 
described later in this chapter."

and further in the same chapter:
"To enable kdm, the ttyv8 entry in /etc/ttys has to be adapted. The line 
should look as follows:"

So, I suppose, the sentence on editing the .xsession file appearing in 
Installing KDE section shouldn't be there. Am I right?

Cezary Morga <czarek(at)morga.net.pl ezarym(at)data.pl>
GG# 169903 ICQ# 328-700-565
Jabber therek(at)jabber.autocom.pl; therek(at)bash.org.pl
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