Install docs oddity

Bruce A. Mah bmah at
Fri Nov 3 23:52:54 UTC 2006

If memory serves me right, Szilveszter Adam wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 12:40:15PM -0800, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
>> I'm glad someone else besides me has seen this.
>> I noticed this on my 1GHz P-III.  :-p
> My machine was a PII-233 at the time, so the effects were even more
> obvious. :-)
>> Did you take a look at my patch?  I don't get rid of the loop in
>>, but I make it not get get invoked by the install target.
>>  I think this should leave package building unaffected but I confess to
>> not having tested this.
> Yes, I did look at it and it seems to be good. The package building
> needs to be tested however, so perhaps I will take a crack at it
> tomorrow (I have a much faster machine now, whoooho! :-) but I have
> never built the packages before so I will need to figure out how to do
> it.

I kind-of tested package building with the built-up doc tree I had
("make package" and "make package FORMATS=pdf").  It seemed to behave
correctly but I don't have a lot of familiarity with the doc packages.

I look forward to hearing your testing results.



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