Install docs oddity

Bruce A. Mah bmah at
Fri Nov 3 20:40:33 UTC 2006

If memory serves me right, Szilveszter Adam wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 05:43:09AM -0500, Tom Rhodes wrote:
>> I'm surprised that we haven't noticed this sooner ...
> In fact, I have. It was fairly annoying at the time too, because I had a
> somewhat slower machine, so it really cost time.

I'm glad someone else besides me has seen this.

I noticed this on my 1GHz P-III.  :-p

> Since then, I made it a
> habit to use the "NO_SUBDIR=yes" env var when installing from the doc
> tree. This is AFAIR due to the fact that there are really two functions
> defined in two places (two files) that do the same thing (iterate over
> the subdirs) but run independently from each-other. (One seems to be in
>, the other probably in, but I am not entirely

One of those "" should "".

> sure) So, we need to get rid of one of them after a taking a long hard
> look so that nothing breaks. (The one in seems to be used
> for building doc packages for the ftp server.) 

Did you take a look at my patch?  I don't get rid of the loop in, but I make it not get get invoked by the install target.
 I think this should leave package building unaffected but I confess to
not having tested this.


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