Errors in the FreeBSD handbook (MAC framework)
Borja Marcos
borjamar at
Tue May 9 16:22:07 UTC 2006
(crossposted to freebsd-security just in case someone has to slap me) :)
I'm doing some work with the MAC subsystem in FreeBSD, and I have
spotted some errors in the MAC documentation in the handbook.
1- Section 15.14.4. Error in the example dropping users "nagios" and
"www" into the insecure class. The example uses the command "pw
usermod nagios -L default" when it should obviously be "pw usermod
nagios -L insecure". The same holds for the "www" user.
2- Section 15.14.6.
The example script launches the commands "apachectl", and "/usr/local/
etc/rc.d/" with the label biba/10, but they should be
launched with the label biba/10(10-10).
I've defined the "default" login class with a label of "biba/high". I
login at the machine as root, and...
# getpmac
# setpmac biba/low getpmac
# setpmac biba/low setpmac biba/high getpmac
So, if I launch a process with a "setpmac biba/low", it actually
inherits a label of "biba/low(high-low)", being able to recover its
biba/high setting, something that wouldn't be desirable. However,
launching it with a label of "biba/low(low-low)" effectively
downgrades the process forever
# setpmac "biba/low(low-low)" getpmac
# setpmac "biba/low(low-low)" setpmac biba/high getpmac
biba/high: Operation not permitted
Best regards,
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