Mail setup for workstations by Simon Barner

Tsampros Leonidas ltsampros at
Mon May 8 07:44:33 UTC 2006

Recently, i was trying to setup my mail system at home, the unix
way. However, and because of the fact that my computer has a private
IP address, several components such as sendmail need to be configured
somewhat differently in order to handle domain masquerading and
relaying all outgoing email through my ISP's mailserver.

After some googling around, i came up with this wonderful article
written by Simon Barner,

Also, my searching resulted in a thread discussion @freebsd-doc in
October 2004, but there were only 2 replies.

So, what i would like to ask is why is this article not included in
the en/articles collection ?  I understand that there might be some
issues regarding the handbook's chapter Electronic Mail, but this
article is a real treasure.

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