Unsubscribed from HeroicStories

Lyris ListManager lyris-noreply at wood.lyris.net
Wed Mar 22 07:06:13 UTC 2006

You have been unsubscribed from HeroicStories. If you did not wish to be
unsubscribed, we apologize for your inconvenience.

To RESUBSCRIBE: send any e-mail to join-heroicstories at lyris.net or use
the form on our web site, http://www.HeroicStories.com

You may have been unsubscribed for one of the following reasons:

-- A virus or worm spoofed our "unsubscribe" address. See an
   explanation on our site: http://www.heroicstories.com/unsubbed.html
   (In periods of high worm activity on the Internet, some people receive
   multiple unsubscribe messages, which we would prevent if we could.)
-- You forwarded an issue to a friend, and *they* sent any mail to your
   unsubscribe address, which is at the foot of each issue.
-- If we received junk mail, "spam", "chain" letters, or other unwanted
   trashmail appearing to come from you.
-- If we believe you are not abiding by our copyright restrictions.

If you put comments in your unsubscribe message we won't see them.
Please send them to Comments at HeroicStories.com -- we appreciate your
feedback and want to be sure we receive it.

THANKS for being with us! We hope you will return soon.

        The staff and volunteers at HeroicStories.com --
        Co-Conspirators to Make the World A Better Place

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