docs/98737: diff for mirrors.xml (add new ukrainian mirrors and remove broken)

Alex Samorukov samm at
Fri Jun 9 12:20:22 UTC 2006

The following reply was made to PR docs/98737; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Alex Samorukov <samm at>
To: Maxim Konovalov <maxim at>
Cc: bug-followup at
Subject: Re: docs/98737: diff for mirrors.xml (add new ukrainian mirrors and
 remove broken)
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 15:18:16 +0300

 Maxim Konovalov wrote:
 >> Why not? User can list them and than make a choice.
 > Sure, user can list any random ftp in the Internet and then make a
 > choice :-)
 Ok. But random ftp will not be located in Ukraine and will not include 
 freebsd tree at all :-). Anyway, if you think that its not correct to 
 put mirrors with limited subtree on a list - please, simply remove them.
 BTW, russian ftp mirrors has some problems too - look at the and then to
 ftp1 is delisted, and ftp5 does not allow anonymous ftp connections.
 Best regards,
 Alex Samorukov, SAMM1-RIPE
 Zend Certified PHP Engineer

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