docs/100590: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update porters-handbook to SVN#836
chinsan at
Thu Jul 20 05:10:17 UTC 2006
>Number: 100590
>Category: docs
>Synopsis: [UPDATE] zh_TW: Update porters-handbook to SVN#836
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-doc
>State: open
>Class: update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Thu Jul 20 05:10:15 GMT 2006
>Originator: chinsan
>Release: FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE i386
FreeBSD Taiwan
System: FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #1: Fri Jun 2 16:44:35 CST 2006 root at i386
- Update porters-handbook to SVN#836
( patch URL )
--- zh_TW.Big5.20060720.porter.diff begins here ---
diff -ruN zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook.orig/book.sgml zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml
--- zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook.orig/book.sgml Thu Jul 20 13:04:53 2006
+++ zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml Thu Jul 20 13:06:12 2006
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
$FreeBSD: doc/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v 1.9 2006/07/10 07:26:14 vanilla Exp $
Original Revision: 1.675
- Chased Revision: 1.729
+ Chased Revision: 1.733
<!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
@@ -457,56 +457,37 @@
<para>¨ú±oì©lªº source ÀÉ(³q±`ÀɦW¬O <filename><replaceable>foo</replaceable>.tar.gz</filename>
©Î <filename><replaceable>foo</replaceable>.tar.Z</filename> ¤§ÃþªºÀ£ÁYÀÉ)¡A
µM«á·|§â§ì¤U¨ÓªºÀɮשñ¦b <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> ¤º¡C
- °O±o¡G§ìªº®ÉÔ¡A¾¨¶q¨Ï¥Î¡y¥D¬y¯¸¡z¤W±ªº¨Ó·½ÀÉ¡A¥H½T«OÀɮצ³®Ä¡B¥i«H¡C</para>
+ °O±o¡G§ìªº®ÉÔ¡A¾¨¶q¨Ï¥Î¡y¸Ó³nÅé¥Dnªº¥¿¦¡ºô¯¸¡z¤W±ªº¨Ó·½ÀÉ¡A¥H½T«OÀɮצ³®Ä¡B¥i«H¡C</para>
- <para>You will need to set the variable <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>
- to reflect where the original tarball resides. You will find
- convenient shorthand definitions for most mainstream sites
- in <filename></filename>. Please use these
- sites—and the associated definitions—if
- at all possible, to help avoid the problem of having the same
- information repeated over again many times in the source base.
- As these sites tend to change over time, this becomes a
- maintenance nightmare for everyone involved.</para>
- <para>If you cannot find a FTP/HTTP site that is well-connected to the
- net, or can only find sites that have irritatingly non-standard
- formats, you might want to put a copy on a reliable FTP or HTTP
- server that you control (e.g., your home page).</para>
- <para>If you cannot find somewhere convenient and reliable to put the
- distfile
- we can <quote>house</quote> it ourselves
- on <hostid></hostid>; however, this is the
- least-preferred solution.
- The distfile must be placed into
- <filename>~/public_distfiles/</filename> of someone's
- <hostid>freefall</hostid> account.
- Ask the person who commits your port to do this.
- This person will also set <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> to
- <makevar>MASTER_SITE_LOCAL</makevar> and
- <makevar>MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR</makevar> to their
- <hostid>freefall</hostid> username.</para>
- <para>If your port's distfile changes all the time without any
- kind of version update by the author,
- consider putting the distfile on your home page and listing it as
- the first <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>. If you can, try
- to talk the port author out of doing this; it
- really does help to establish some kind of source code control.
- Hosting your own version will prevent users
- from getting <errorname>checksum mismatch</errorname> errors, and
- also reduce the workload of maintainers of our FTP site. Also, if
- there is only one master site for the port, it is recommended that
- you house a backup at your site and list it as the second
- <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar>.</para>
- <para>If your port requires some additional `patches' that are
- available on the Internet, fetch them too and put them in
- <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar>. Do not worry if they come from a site
- other than where you got the main source tarball, we have a way to
- handle these situations (see the description of <link
- linkend="porting-patchfiles">PATCHFILES</link> below).</para>
+ <para>»Ýn³] <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> ¥H«ü©wì©lÀɮ׬O©ñ¦b¦ó³B¡C¬ÛÃöºô§}¦b
+ <filename></filename> ¤º¦³¤@¨Ç¤è«Kªº³t°Oªí¥i¥H¨Ï¥Î¡C ½ÐºÉ¥i¯à¦h¥Î¹ïÀ³³o¨Çºô§}ªºÅܼơA
+ ¥HÁקK¦P¼Ëªº¤@°ïºô§}¦³«½Æ«Ü¦h¦¸¥X²{¦b port tree ¤º¡C
+ §_«h¡A³o¨Çºô§}¥un¤@¦³§ïÅܪº¸Ü¡A¨º»ò´N·|¦¨¬°ºûÅ@ port ªº¹ÚÆL¡C</para>
+ <para>¦pªG¸ÓÀɨèS¦³©ñ¦b¤½¶}ªº FTP ¯¸©Îºô¯¸(HTTP)¤W¡A©ÎªÌ¸ÓÀɨëD¤@¯ë¼Ð·Ç®æ¦¡ªº¸Ü¡A
+ ¨º»ò¥i¥H¦Ò¼{½Æ»s¸ÓÀÉ¡AµM«á©ñ¨ì§A¥i´x´¤¡B¥i«H¥ôªº FTP ¯¸©Îºô¯¸(HTTP)¤W¡A¤ñ¦p¡G§A¦Û¤vªººô¶ªÅ¶¡¡C</para>
+ <para>Y§ä¤£¨ì¦a¤è(¤è«K¡B¥i«H¥ô)¨Ó©ñÀɮתº¸Ü¡A
+ ¨º»ò¥i¥H <quote>house(¼È©ñ)</quote> ¦b <hostid></hostid> ¤Wªº committer ¦ÛÄݪŶ¡¤º¡F
+ µM¦Ó¡A³o¬O³Ì¤£²z·Qªº¸Ñªk¡C
+ ÀÉ®×n©ñ¨ì¸Ó committer ªº <hostid>freefall</hostid> ¤Wªº <filename>~/public_distfiles/</filename> ¥Ø¿ý¤º¤~¥i¥H¡C
+ ½Ð»P¨ó§U commit §Aªº port ªº¨º¦ì committer Ápô¡A¥H«K§âÀɮשñ¨ì¥Lªº¥Ø¿ý¤º¡C
+ ¨º¦ì committer ¦P®É¤]·|§â <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> ³]¬°
+ <makevar>MASTER_SITE_LOCAL</makevar>¡A¨Ã¥B§â
+ <makevar>MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR</makevar> ³]¬°¥L¦Û¤vªº
+ <hostid>freefall</hostid> ±b¸¹¦WºÙ¡C</para>
+ <para>Y¸Ó port ªºì©lÀÉ¥´¥]·|¸g±`«¥]¡A¦ýì§@ªÌ«o¨S§ó·sª©¸¹ªº¸Ü¡A
+ ½Ð¦Ò¼{§â¸ÓÀɧï©ñ¨ì¦Û¤vªººô¶ªÅ¶¡¡A¨Ã¥B§â¦Û¤vºô¶ªÅ¶¡¦C¬° <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> ªº²Ä¤@¶¶¦ì¡C
+ ©ÎªÌ½Ð»Pì§@ªÌÁpô¡G½Ð¥L¤£n³o¼Ë°µ(¤£Â_«¥]¦P¼ËªºÀÉ®×)¡F¦p¦¹¤@¨Ó¡A¤~¦³§U©ó«Ø¥ß¤@©wµ{«×ªº source code ª©¥»±±¨î¡C
+ §âÀÉ®×¥t¥~½Æ»s¤@¥÷©ñ¨ì¦ÛÄݺô¶ªÅ¶¡ªº¸Ü¡A¤£¦ý¥i¦³®Ä¨¾¤î¨Ï¥ÎªÌ·|µo¥Í <errorname>checksum mismatch(Àɮ׸gÀˬd¦³°ÝÃD)</errorname>
+ ªº¿ù»~°T®§¡A¤]¥i°§C§ÚÌ FTP ¯¸ºûÅ@ªÌªº¤u§@¶q¡C¦¹¥~¡AY¸Ó port ªºÀɮ׶Ȧ³¤@Ó¥Dnºô§}¡A
+ ¨º»ò«Øij¡G½Ð¦b¦ÛÄݺô¯¸¤W©ñ¤W³Æ¥÷ÀÉ¡A¨Ãקï <makevar>MASTER_SITES</makevar> §â§Aªººô§}¦C¬°²Ä¤G¶¶¦ì¡C</para>
+ <para>Y¸Ó port »Ýn¤@¨ÇÃB¥~ `patches'(¥i³z¹L Internet ¤U¸ü)¡A¨Ã©ñ¦b
+ <makevar>DISTDIR</makevar> ¤º¡A¤£¥²¾á¤ß³o¨Ç patch ÀɬO§_±o³£¸òì©lÀɤ@¼Ë¨Ó¦Û¦P¤@ºô¯¸¡A
+ ³o¨Ç±¡ªp¦³¥t¥~ªº¸Ñªk(½Ð¬Ý¤U±ªº <link
+ linkend="porting-patchfiles">PATCHFILES</link> ¤¶²Ð³¡¤À)¡C</para>
<sect1 id="slow-modifying">
@@ -9024,6 +9005,33 @@
+ <entry>6.0-STABLE after NLS catalog support of
+ csh(1).</entry>
+ <entry>600105</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.1-RELEASE</entry>
+ <entry>601000</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.1-STABLE after 6.1-RELEASE.</entry>
+ <entry>601100</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.1-STABLE after the import of csup.</entry>
+ <entry>601101</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.1-STABLE after the iwi(4) update.</entry>
+ <entry>601102</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>6.1-STABLE after the resolver update to
+ BIND9, and exposure of reentrant version of
+ netdb functions.</entry>
+ <entry>601103</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
@@ -9099,6 +9107,24 @@
<entry>7-0.CURRENT after pts import.</entry>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-CURRENT after the introduction of version 2
+ of &man.hwpmc.4;'s ABI.</entry>
+ <entry>700015</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-CURRENT after addition of &man.fcloseall.3;
+ to libc.</entry>
+ <entry>700016</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-CURRENT after removal of ip6fw.</entry>
+ <entry>700017</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>7.0-CURRENT after import of snd_emu10kx.</entry>
+ <entry>700018</entry>
+ </row>
@@ -9726,10 +9752,15 @@
<para><makevar>BROKEN</makevar> is reserved for ports that
currently do not compile, install, or deinstall correctly.
It should be used for ports where the the problem is
- believed to be temporary.
- The build cluster will still attempt to try to build
+ believed to be temporary.</para>
+ <para>If instructed, the build cluster will still attempt to
+ try to build
them to see if the underlying problem has been
- resolved. For instance, use
+ resolved. (However, in general, the cluster is run without
+ this.)</para>
+ <para>For instance, use
<makevar>BROKEN</makevar> when a port:</para>
--- zh_TW.Big5.20060720.porter.diff ends here ---
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