docs/99997: [patch] zh_TW porter's handbook: chase to rev. 1.729

Cheng-Lung Sung clsung at
Mon Jul 10 06:40:21 UTC 2006

>Number:         99997
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] zh_TW porter's handbook: chase to rev. 1.729
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jul 10 06:40:16 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Cheng-Lung Sung
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE i386
FreeBSD @ Taiwan
System: 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #9: Thu May 11 14:31:45 CST 2006     root at  i386

- porter's handbook: chase to rev. 1.729
  - the two new and
  - sysctl doc (translated)
  - add a chase revision mark

Index: book.sgml
RCS file: /home/dcvs/doc/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 book.sgml
--- book.sgml	8 Jul 2006 08:55:47 -0000	1.8
+++ book.sgml	10 Jul 2006 00:38:34 -0000
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
      $FreeBSD: doc/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v 1.8 2006/07/08 08:55:47 vanilla Exp $
      Original Revision: 1.675
+     Chased Revision: 1.729
 <!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook V4.1-Based Extension//EN" [
@@ -4159,6 +4160,55 @@
+	<sect2 id="using-scons">
+	  <title>Using <command>scons</command></title>
+	  <para>If your port uses <application>SCons</application>, define
+	    <literal>USE_SCONS=yes</literal>.</para>
+	  <table frame="none">
+	    <title>Variables for ports that use <command>scons</command></title>
+	    <tgroup cols="2">
+	      <thead>
+		<row>
+		  <entry>Variable</entry>
+		  <entry>Means</entry>
+		</row>
+	      </thead>
+	      <tbody>
+		<row>
+		  <entry><makevar>SCONS_ARGS</makevar></entry>
+		  <entry>Port specific SCons flags passed to the SCons
+		    environment.</entry>
+		</row>
+		<row>
+		  <entry><makevar>SCONS_BUILDENV</makevar></entry>
+		  <entry>Variables to be set in system environment.</entry>
+		</row>
+		<row>
+		  <entry><makevar>SCONS_ENV</makevar></entry>
+		  <entry>Variables to be set in SCons environment.</entry>
+		</row>
+		<row>
+		  <entry><makevar>SCONS_TARGET</makevar></entry>
+		  <entry>Last argument passed to SCons, similar to
+		    <makevar>MAKE_TARGET</makevar>.</entry>
+		</row>
+	      </tbody>
+	    </tgroup>
+	  </table>
+	</sect2>
     <sect1 id="using-autotools">
@@ -5467,7 +5517,7 @@
-		<entry><makevar>BROKEN_WITH_PHP</makevar></entry>
+		<entry><makevar>IGNORE_WITH_PHP</makevar></entry>
 		<entry>The port does not work with PHP of the given version.
 		  Possible values: <literal>4</literal>,
@@ -5912,6 +5962,88 @@
+    <sect1 id="using-wx">
+      <title>Using wxWidgets</title>
+      <para>If your port uses <application>wxWidgets</application>
+	cross-platform toolkit, define <literal>USE_WX=yes</literal>.
+	A specific version can be requested by setting
+	<literal>USE_WX=2.6</literal>.  Ranges (<literal>2.4-2.6</literal>)
+	and partial ranges (<literal>-2.4</literal>, <literal>2.6+</literal>)
+	are also possible.</para>
+      <para>List of required wxWidgets components can be set as
+	<makevar>WX_COMPS</makevar>.  Unless specified otherwise, port will
+	depend on wxWidgets library (<literal>wx</literal>).  Available
+	components are:</para>
+      <table frame="none">
+	<title>Possible values for <makevar>WX_COMPS</makevar></title>
+	<tgroup cols="2">
+	  <thead>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry>Value</entry>
+	      <entry>Means</entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </thead>
+	  <tbody>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>wx</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>wxWidget libraries</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>contrib</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>wxWidget contributed libraries</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>python</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>wxPython</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>mozilla</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>wxMozilla (only available for 2.4)</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>svg</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>wxSVG (only available for 2.6)</entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </tbody>
+	</tgroup>
+      </table>
+      <para>If locating wxWidget libraries needs a configure argument in
+	addition to the <makevar>WX_CONFIG</makevar> variable, define
+	<makevar>WX_CONF_ARGS</makevar> in your port.  Possible values
+	are <literal>absolute</literal> resulting in
+	<literal>--with-wx-config=${WX_CONFIG}</literal>, and
+	<literal>relative</literal> resulting in
+	<literal>--with-wx=${X11BASE}</literal> being added to configure
+	script arguments.</para>
+      <para>Define <literal>WX_UNICODE=yes</literal> if your port needs
+	the Unicode version of the wxWidgets libraries.</para>
+      <para>Example of port requiring Unicode versions of wxWidgets 2.6 and
+	contrib libraries:</para>
+      <programlisting>USE_WX=      2.6
+WX_COMPS=    wx contrib
+WX_UNICODE=  yes</programlisting>
+    </sect1>
     <sect1 id="rc-scripts">
       <title>Starting and stopping services (rc scripts)</title>
@@ -9796,6 +9928,21 @@
+      <sect1 id="dads-sysctl">
+	<title><filename>sysctl</filename> 使用時機</title>
+	<para><filename>sysctl</filename> 除了在 targets 之外,都不鼓勵使用。
+	  這是因為任何 <literal>makevar</literal> 
+	  的評估都有可能會使得程序執行速度變慢。例如在
+	  <command>make index</command> 的過程中就會需要用到
+	  <filename>sysctl</filename>。</para>
+	<para>在 <filename>sysctl</filename> 的使用上,一定要用完整的路徑,
+	  也就是以 <filename>/sbin/</filename> 開頭,因為有些使用者也許沒有
+	  將 <filename>/sbin/</filename> 放置在他們的環境變數 
+	  <envar>PATH</envar> 中。</para>
+      </sect1>
       <sect1 id="dads-workarounds">
 	<title>Necessary workarounds</title>


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