docs/99835: [patch] works on zh_TW's porter's handbook

Cheng-Lung Sung clsung at
Thu Jul 6 09:30:18 UTC 2006

>Number:         99835
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] works on zh_TW's porter's handbook
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jul 06 09:30:16 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Cheng-Lung Sung
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE i386
FreeBSD @ Taiwan
System: 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #9: Thu May 11 14:31:45 CST 2006     root at  i386

- add one missing subsection "Use the exec statement in wrapper scripts" (translated).
- add one missing table "Useful variables for porting Apache modules" (translated).
- sync table "Variables for ports that use Apache"
- sync subsection "PEAR modules". (docs/99733, docs/99734)

Index: book.sgml
RCS file: /home/dcvs/doc/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 book.sgml
--- book.sgml	6 Jul 2006 07:56:11 -0000	1.6
+++ book.sgml	6 Jul 2006 09:25:50 -0000
@@ -5307,29 +5307,137 @@
-		<entry>USE_APACHE</entry>
+		<entry><makevar>USE_APACHE</makevar></entry>
-		<entry>The port requires Apache.</entry>
+		<entry>The port requires Apache.  Possible values:
+		  <literal>yes</literal> (gets any version),
+		  <literal>1.3</literal>, <literal>2.0</literal>,
+		  <literal>2.2</literal>, <literal>2.0+</literal>,
+		  etc.  Default dependency is on version
+		  <literal>1.3</literal>.</entry>
-		<entry>WITH_APACHE2</entry>
+		<entry><makevar>WITH_APACHE2</makevar></entry>
 		<entry>The port requires Apache 2.0.  Without this variable,
-		  the port will depend on Apache 1.3.</entry>
+		  the port will depend on Apache 1.3.  This variable is
+		  deprecated and should not be used anymore.</entry>
-		<entry>APXS</entry>
+		<entry><makevar>APXS</makevar></entry>
-		<entry>Full path to the <command>apxs</command> binary
-		  (read-only variable).</entry>
+		<entry>Full path to the <command>apxs</command> binary.
+		  Can be overriden in your port.</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>HTTPD</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>Full path to the <command>httpd</command> binary.
+		  Can be overriden in your port.</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>APACHE_VERSION</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>The version of present Apache installation (read-only
+		  variable).  This variable is only available after inclusion
+		  of <filename></filename>.  Possible values:
+		  <literal>13</literal>, <literal>20</literal>,
+		  <literal>22</literal>.</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>APACHEMODDIR</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>Directory for Apache modules.  This variable is
+		  automatically expanded in pkg-plist.</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>APACHEINCLUDEDIR</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>Directory for Apache headers.  This variable is
+		  automatically expanded in pkg-plist.</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>APACHEETCDIR</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>Directory for Apache configuration files.  This
+		  variable is automatically expanded in pkg-plist.</entry>
+	<table frame="none">
+	  <title>port Apache 模組時好用的變數</title>
+	  <tgroup cols="2">
+	    <tbody>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>MODULENAME</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>模組名稱。  預設值為
+		  <makevar>PORTNAME</makevar>. 範例:
+		  <literal>mod_hello</literal></entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>SHORTMODNAME</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>簡化的模組名稱。  自動地由變數
+		  <makevar>MODULENAME</makevar> 產生,不過可以覆蓋它。
+		  範例: <literal>hello</literal></entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>AP_FAST_BUILD</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>使用 <command>apxs</command> 
+		  來編譯及安裝這個模組。</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>AP_GENPLIST</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>同樣地,也是自動產生
+		  <filename>pkg-plist</filename>。</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>AP_INC</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>在編譯時間加入一個目錄到標頭檔搜尋路徑。</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>AP_LIB</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>在編譯時間加入一個目錄到函式庫搜尋路徑。</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>AP_EXTRAS</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>傳給
+		  <command>apxs</command> 額外的 flags。</entry>
+	      </row>
+	    </tbody>
+	  </tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<para>Web 應用程式應該安裝到
+	  <makevar>PREFIX</makevar><filename>/www/<replaceable>appname</replaceable></filename>
+	  ,同時不應該假設 Apache 已存在了,除非他們有明確地需要(depend on)
+	  Apahce。使用者也許希望在其他非 Apache 的 Web 伺服器上執行。</para>
       <sect2 id="php-variables">
@@ -5414,13 +5522,6 @@
 		<entry>Want the Apache module or the CGI version of PHP.</entry>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><makevar>WANT_PHP_PEAR</makevar></entry>
-		<entry>Want the PEAR framework.</entry>
-	      </row>
@@ -5441,7 +5542,7 @@
-	  <filename>${PORTSDIR}/devel/pear-PEAR/Makefile.common</filename>
+	  <filename>${PORTSDIR}/devel/pear/</filename>
 	  on the last line of the <filename>Makefile</filename>.</para>
 	<example id="pear-makefile">
@@ -5468,7 +5569,7 @@
 _DOCSDIR=       .
 .include <>
-.include "${PORTSDIR}/devel/pear-PEAR/Makefile.common"
+.include "${PORTSDIR}/devel/pear/"
 .include <></programlisting>
@@ -9155,6 +9229,22 @@
 	  for their files.</para>
+      <sect1 id="dads-sh-exec">
+	<title>在 wrapper scripts 中使用 <function>exec</function> 述句</title>
+	<para>若某 port 為了執行其他程式而安裝了一個 shell script,
+	  而該程式同時也是該 script 最後一個動作,那麼需要確定該 script 
+	  是用 <function>exec</function> 述句(statement),舉例而言:</para>
+	<programlisting>#!/bin/sh
+exec %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/java -jar %%DATADIR%%/foo.jar "$@"</programlisting>
+	<para><function>exec</function> 述句以所指定的程式取代了該 shell 
+	  的程序。 若省略 <function>exec</function> ,那麼該 shell 程序
+	  將會在程式執行中一直存在於記憶體,這無疑地浪費了系統資源。</para>
+      </sect1>
       <sect1 id="dads-uid-and-gids">
 	<title>UIDs and GIDs</title>

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