docs/99829: [patch] adding zh_TW translation of "Desktop Entries" to porters' handbook

Cheng-Lung Sung clsung at
Thu Jul 6 03:00:34 UTC 2006

>Number:         99829
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] adding zh_TW translation of "Desktop Entries" to porters' handbook
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jul 06 03:00:32 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Cheng-Lung Sung
>Release:        FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE i386
FreeBSD @ Taiwan
System: 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #9: Thu May 11 14:31:45 CST 2006     root at  i386

- "Desktop entries" subsection does not appear in zh_TW trans. of porters' handbook
- add it (translated)

Index: book.sgml
RCS file: /home/dcvs/doc/zh_TW.Big5/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 book.sgml
--- book.sgml	17 Jun 2006 10:22:46 -0000	1.4
+++ book.sgml	6 Jul 2006 02:41:52 -0000
@@ -4838,6 +4823,33 @@
+      <sect2 id="desktop-entries">
+	<title>Desktop entries</title>
+	<para>Desktop Entries (<ulink
+	  url="">Freedesktop
+	  standard</ulink>) 可以經由設定 <makevar>DESKTOP_ENTRIES</makevar> 
+	  變數而輕易地建立在你的 port 之中。這些項目會在相應的桌面環境如 GNOME 或
+	  KDE 的應用程式選單中出現。檔案 <filename>.desktop</filename> 
+	  將會被建立、安裝以及自動地加入 <filename>pkg-plist</filename> 
+	  中。語法為:</para>
+	<programlisting>DESKTOP_ENTRIES=  "NAME" "COMMENT" "ICON" "COMMAND" "CATEGORY" StartupNotify</programlisting>
+	<para>項目分類可參考 <ulink
+	  url="">
+	  Freedesktop website</ulink>。  變數 <makevar>StartupNotify</makevar>
+	  決定應用程式在支援 startup noficication 的環境下是否清除狀態。</para>
+	<para>範例:</para>
+	<programlisting>DESKTOP_ENTRIES=  "ToME" "Roguelike game based on JRR Tolkien's work" \
+                  "${DATADIR}/xtra/graf/tome-128.png" \
+                  "tome -v -g" "Application;Game;RolePlaying" \
+                  false</programlisting>
+      </sect2>
     <sect1 id="using-gnome">


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