docs/85986: FreeBSD keyword missing if you display security(7) with apropos

Murray Stokely murray at
Sun Jan 29 02:41:55 UTC 2006

On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 09:00:36PM +0000, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
>  On 2005.09.11 20:12:46 +0000, Matthias Schmidt wrote:
>  > If you type apropos security to get the security(7) man page the word "Fr=
>  eeBSD" is missing,
>  >=20
>  > matthias at c0re:/ % apropos security
>  > security(7)              - introduction to security under
>  >                                                          ^^^^
>  I would say this should be fixed in apropos rather than adding a
>  workaround to a specific manual page, especially since I would suspect
>  that other manual pages are also affected.
>  That said, I have no idea how complicated it would be to fix it in
>  apropos.

I think we should just submit the patch as is rather than fixing
makewhatis(1).  tuning(7) written by the same author just uses
'FreeBSD' instead of .Fx and therefore shows up properly.

I could not find any other examples of man pages that have this
problem, leading me to conclude that hacking up makewhatis would be
overengineering the solution.

     - Murray

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