machines.html needs refreshing

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Sun Jan 22 15:08:32 UTC 2006

Diomidis Spinellis píše v ne 22. 01. 2006 v 17:01 +0200:

> I noticed that
> has not tracked the 
> changes in the CVS file www/en/internal/machines.html.  I don't know the 
> mechanics of the FreeBSD web server updating; someone who knows may want 
> to update the web version, and, ideally, tune a makefile or add a 
> comment to ensure the web version stays up to date.

Perhaps you should not be using fifth ukrainian mirror. The best URL for
that page is

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

- Hocumms Razor states that the most obvious, though possible not conceviable,
  answer to a problem is most likely the correct one.
- unless you are playing zelda.
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