docs/91192: [PATCH] take static part of pgpkeys out of localised handbooks

Siebrand Mazeland s.mazeland at
Fri Jan 6 19:50:28 UTC 2006

The following reply was made to PR docs/91192; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Siebrand Mazeland" <s.mazeland at>
To: <bug-followup at>
Subject: Re: docs/91192: [PATCH] take static part of pgpkeys out of localised handbooks
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 20:47:44 +0100

 bvs@ mentioned that share/pgpkeys/README should also be patch,
 hence the added diff.
 Index: share/pgpkeys/README
 RCS file: /home/ncvs/doc/share/pgpkeys/README,v
 retrieving revision 1.1
 diff -u -r1.1 README
 --- share/pgpkeys/README	8 May 2003 09:48:38 -0000	1.1
 +++ share/pgpkeys/README	6 Jan 2006 19:27:00 -0000
 @@ -26,11 +26,9 @@
  | Adding key to entity list...
  | Unless you are already listed there, you should now add the
 -| following text to
 -| usr/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/pgpkeys/chapter.sgml in the
 -| appropriate position in
 -| the developer section (unless this is a role key or you are a
 -| core member.)  Remember to keep the list sorted by last name!
 +| following text to pgpkeys-developers.sgml (unless this is a role key
 +| or you are a core member. In that case add to pgpkeys-officers.sgml
 +| or pgpkeys-core.sgml). Remember to keep the list sorted by last name!
  |     <sect2 id="pgpkey-des">
  |       <title>&a.des;</title>

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