conflicts whilst installing textproc/docproj

Ben Kaduk minimarmot at
Sun Feb 12 23:49:09 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I'm sorry if this is more appropriate for -questions, but I am pretty sure
that someone here will be able to answer me quickly.

I want to install the port textproc/docproj, to try and help out with the
documentation project, but I already have latex2e installed (I have been
using it to write up my work in mathematics); I use
only pdflatex from this as an executable, and the only packages that I use
regularly are amsmath,amsthm, and amssymb.

My question is, then, if I uninstall latex2e to install teTeX and jadetex
for the docproj port, will I still have this functionality?


Ben Kaduk

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