docs/93130: addition to handbook section 14.11 Open SSH

Joe fbsd_user at
Fri Feb 10 15:31:23 UTC 2006

>Number:         93130
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       addition to handbook section 14.11 Open SSH
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Feb 10 15:30:15 GMT 2006
>Originator:     Joe
>Release:        6.0
   I have written  Example of configuring OpenSSH. Would like to have this added as new section to the handbook at the end of 14.11 Openssh section.  If the content pasted below gets messed up you can email me direct and I will reply with a attached text file containing the new content.             
   Example of configuring OpenSSH

Environment description: 
In this example we have a FreeBSD system which we will call the host. We have an Remote FreeBSD 
system which is located some where on the public internet, we will call this the FBSD-client. 
We also have an Remote MS/windows system which is located some where on the public internet, 
we will call this the Win-client.
OpenSSH has a few different security levels when it comes to how the ssh login is handled. 
This example details the encrypted host/client key with passphrase method. 
This method gives the maximum protection possible utilizing ssh.     

Host setup steps.

1.	Edit /etc/rc.conf and add this statement
	Make sure your firewall allows port 22 in from the public internet.
	Reboot your system to activate sshd and login as root.
	If this is your first time booting with sshd you will have to create the host keys.
	sshd will show you this on the first sshd boot only.

Type a full screen full of random junk to unblock
it and remember to finish with <enter>. This will
timeout in 300 seconds, but waiting for
the timeout without typing junk may make the
entropy source deliver predictable output.

Just hit <enter> for fast+insecure startup.
kern.random.sys.seeded: 1 -> 0
qkcir83,2jsn40pl722jjbqok   ---- this is the example junk entered
Generating public/private rsa1 key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
ed:5d:97:dc:49:98:36:66:fc root at domainname
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
67:e7:90:04:0e:27:2e:d2:97:6a root at
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.
Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
96:db:50:5c:9e:69:88:26:28:54 root@ domainname

2.	If you do a "ps ax" command you will see sshd as one of the running tasks.

3.	Using adduser or pw command create a normal user account.
	For this example we will use bob as the host user account name.

4.	Hit alt/f2 at same time to open second session and login using bob.

5.	Run this command   ssh-keygen -t rsa
	Just hit enter to take default location and file name
	No need to enter a pass phrase for the host user here, just hit enter 2 times
	This is what you will see
	Generating public/private rsa key pair.
	Enter file in which to save the key (/bob/.ssh/id_rsa):
	Created directory '/bob/.ssh'.
	Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
	Enter same passphrase again:
	Your identification has been saved in /bob/.ssh/id_rsa.
	Your public key has been saved in /bob/.ssh/
	The key fingerprint is:
	e7:e6:8f:d3:b1:b4:08:27:09:d2 bob at domainname

6.	If you want to ssh login as Host 'root', you have to run step 5 
        above while logged in as root on the host. 
        Also edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change this statement

	#PermitRootLogin no    to    PermitRootLogin yes

	Then   killall -HUP sshd   to make sshd task reread it's sshd_config file.    

FBSD-client setup steps.

1.	Using adduser or pw command create a normal user account. 
        For this example we will use remotetom as the user account name.

2.	Login using remotetom.

3.	Run this command   ssh-keygen -t rsa
	Just hit enter to take default location and file name
	At the "Enter a passphrase prompt" [enter one and write it down, because it will	        be needed for ssh login to the host]. 
	This is what you will see
	Generating public/private rsa key pair.
	Enter file in which to save the key (/remotetom/.ssh/id_rsa):
	Created directory '/remotetom/.ssh'.
	Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
	Enter same passphrase again:
	Your identification has been saved in /remotetom/.ssh/id_rsa.
	Your public key has been saved in /remotetom/.ssh/
	The key fingerprint is:
	e7:e6:8f:d3:b1:b4:08:27:09:56:de:d2 tom at domainname 

4.	The Public key file you just created  /remotetom/.ssh/ has to be
        sent to the Host system. On the host system rename it to authorized_keys2 
        and put it into the home directory of the user setup earlier. In this case

5.	To ssh to the host enter this   ssh hostname  or ssh host-ip-address
	The first time you ssh to the Host you will get these messages. 
        Answer yes if you are sure this first connection is with your targeted host.
	 Enter exit to terminate session.

		# /home/remotetom/.ssh >ssh
		The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
		DSA key fingerprint is 67:e7:90:04:0e:27:2e:d2:97:9d:7b:62:7e:c9:32:6a.
		Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
		Warning: Permanently added '' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.
		Enter passphrase for key /remotetom/.ssh/id_rsa

		This is where you enter the pass phrase you entered while running 
                ssh-keygen on this remote client. (remotetom)

		You are now logged into the Host account bob.

		Every time you ssh login again you will just get this prompt
		 Enter passphrase for key /remotetom/.ssh/id_rsa

7.	At this point the Host user bob can login from Host console, or using telnet 
        from a local LAN machine, or from the public internet if your host firewall 
        has port 23 open.  If this user is to be only allowed remote ssh client access 
        you can use vipw command to edit the system's master password file and star out 
        his encrypted password. This will deny login from anywhere except remotebob

	bob:$1$FXF.CEpf$B2cF:1001:31::0:0:remote ssh user only #:/home/bob:/bin/csh
	edit it to look like this

	bob:*:1001:31::0:0:remote ssh user only #:/home/bob:/bin/csh

8.	At this point, if remotebob is a notebook pc he can ssh login from any place 
        in the world. If remotebob is always working from home using ip 
        address you can add another level of security by restricting his 
        login to come from that ip address. Do that by adding this statement to the 
        Host /etc/ssh/sshd_config file

	AllowUsers bob at


Win-client setup steps.

1.	You have to get windows putty program from
	Download the  current windows installer program.
	Currently that's  putty-0.58-installer.exe

2.	Run the installer.exe and take all the defaults.

3.	start/programs/Putty/Puttygen
	This will create your private and public ssh keys
	At the bottom of the window select ssh2-rsa
	Click on generate button.
	After keys are created then enter your pass phrase.
	Then click on 'save public key' button.
	Save it to c:/programs/putty/ putty_public_rsa_key
	Then click on 'save private key' button.
	Save it to c:/programs/putty/ putty_private_rsa_key.ppk
	In the window area labeled 
        "Public key for pasting into Open SSH authorized_key  file" 
        Highlight that content and past it into a notepad text file named

4.	The win_authorized_keys2.txt file has to be sent to the Host system 
        and put in the ~/home/bob/.ssh/ directory. In this example both the 
        FBSD-client & the WIN-client will both use the same Host user account 
        to ssh login to. 
	Since the ~/home/bob/.ssh/authorized_keys2 already contains the 
        private key for the FBSD-client you have to append the 
        win_authorized_keys2.txt content to it.

	cat win_authorized_keys2.txt >> cat win_authorized_keys2.txt
        If bob is to only be used by WIN-client then just 
		cp win_authorized_keys2.txt  authorized_keys2

5.	start/programs/putty/putty  to run it
	On the bottom of the window click on "never exit"
	Under protocol be sure ssh is clicked
	On the left side click on 'SSH', then in the 'preferred ssh protocol version' 
	click on '2 only'.
	On the left side click on 'AUTH', remove check mark from  
        'Attempt keyboard-interactive auth (SSH-2) .
	On the left side click on 'Sessions' to return to main login window.
	Enter you host name (IE; your official registered domain name of the Host box) 
        or it's IP address. Then type a name in the saved session window and click on save
        button.  Now click on the open button at bottom of window to login to the host.

	A ms/dos window will open up and you will receive 'login as' prompt 
	Enter bob
	Then you get
	 Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20060209"
	 Passphrase for key "rsa-key-20060209":

	At this point enter the pass phrase you entered when you ran 
	start/programs/Putty/Puttygen to create the rsa keys on the client remotetom.

	You are now logged into you host box using SSH. You have all the privileges that
        host user bob has when you created him.

	Every time you start/programs/putty/putty  highlight the name of your saved
        session and click on the load button. This will restore your saved session
 	configuration, then click open to launch.

Once you open ssh's port 22 in your firewall it wont be long before your auth.log 
starts filling up with failed login attempts.  About 99 percent of these failed 
login attempts are script kiddies or robots. Their attacks are all most totally 
based on indiscriminate rolling through a range of sequential IP address. 
(IE: They never use DNS to lookup your domain name.) You were found by plain bad luck. 
They run scripts that address the know ports listened on by those services which 
accept logins. You use this knowledge to defend against this type of attack.
The simplest defense is to change the port number ssh uses. The /etc/services is where
the port number used by SSH is defined and where you would change it at. Remote clients 
who want to access your host system will have to enter the alternate port number as part 
of the login command. 

ssh -p 77777 hostname or host-ip-address
[-p 77777 is the example alternate ssh port number you specified in /etc/services file]
or edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config  on the remote client and change this statement from this

 #  Port 22   to    Port 77777   [to make the alternate port number permanent] 

Windows gutty also has way to change the default ssh port number right on the login window.

You will have to open your firewall for the alternate port number you assign to ssh for this 
to work.

The technique of assigning a non-standard port number for SSH is security through obscurity 
and is one of the first and easiest security measures an administrator may consider. 
By no means does this provide protection from the dedicated attacker who has targeted 
your IP address for some reason. This is just the first security level of hiding through 
obscurity from the majority of script kiddies and their robots. You will be surprised at 
how effective this really is at discouraging repeat port scan attacks and fraudulent login 

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