6.2.5 Opera

Remko Lodder remko at elvandar.org
Wed Dec 27 15:37:23 UTC 2006


Thank you for taking the time to try and improve our documentation set.
Currently we are rather busy, so if you want to have this information
in quickly, I'd suggest you write up a patch so that we can review and
import it, if you plan on doing more patches please refer to the
FreeBSD Documentation Project, if not, please submit a patch to the
mailinglist and someome [tm] will pick it up (cannot promise when

Also thanks for using FreeBSD!
Kind regards,

   Remko Lodder  ** remko at elvandar.org
        FreeBSD  ** remko at FreeBSD.org

   /* Quis Custodiet ipsos custodes */

<quote who="Harald Muehlboeck">
> Hi!
> Since the releas of Opera 9.10 the following information about Opera
> in the FreeBSD-Handbook Chapter »6.2.5 Opera« seems to be outdated:
> | To install the Linux version of Opera, substitute linux-opera in
> | place of opera in the examples above. The Linux version is useful in
> | situations requiring the use of plug-ins that are only available for
> | Linux, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader®. In all other respects, the
> | FreeBSD and Linux versions appear to be functionally identical.
> This should be replaced by information about www/opera-linuxplugins
> and how to install Opera with Java.
> tia Harald Mühlböck
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