The Thompson Mailing you received

Mickey Chandler chandler at
Tue Apr 25 22:59:09 UTC 2006

Hello, I am Mickey Chandler, Manager of ISP Relations for Informz and 
the guy behind our abuse alias.

Thanks to a Google Alert, I noticed a few minutes ago that a mailing 
went out to freebsd-questions.  While I was starting my 
investigation, I also noticed your address was in this client's 
file.  Since it was uploaded at the same time as the entry for the 
mailing list, I am assuming that it's entry on the list is just as 
legitimate as the mailing list's entry and I have removed both from the file.

I will also be discussing with our client how they might have come 
across your address.  However, as it is after business hours, I doubt 
that I'll learn anything about that until tomorrow.

I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know on the off chance 
that you might try the unsubscription link and discover that our 
system thinks you have already unsubscribed.

Mickey Chandler
Manager, ISP Relations
Informz, Inc.
518.691.0071 x 262 

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