Status of pt_BR documentation

Carlos Eduardo cartola at
Tue Apr 18 20:22:19 UTC 2006

Hi Flávio,

the mainling list at Fug-br is still up and has a lot of postings daily,
but the documentation project is really stopped. I intent to contact the
responsables very soon to re-activate the project and would like vety
much to count on people like you, if possible.

We probably will also suggest some changes in the original version, as
we have many feedback from the students, most suggesting more
comprehensive descriptions that are still the same in the english

You can see some portuguese doc in:

and in portuguese from Portugal:

To subscribe to the fug-br mailing list you can access this page:

Let me know if you still have errors.

I work at OpenIT, in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, and we will continue the
documentation with or without the old group. We have participated of the
previous translation effort and one of us had access to the CVS tree in
the FUG-BR server. We know the main people and can contact them as soon
as we are able to work on it again.

Well, we can continue in portuguese in other messages... this was just
for people on the list to see this answer.

[ ]s.

Carlos E. G. Carvalho           OpenIT Solucoes Tecnologicas
Consultor Unix/Internet         Tel. +55 21 2517-6000

Em Ter, 2006-04-18 às 08:37 -0300, Flavio Henrique Araque Gurgel
> Hello
> I have just subscribed this mailing list and want to introduce myself.
> I'm a brazilian FreeBSD user in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I have some experience
> using GNU/Linux (Debian and alikes) at home and some companies and made some
> help in translation and even writing some documentation for open source and
> other private software projects.
> I started using FreeBSD at home for about an year or so to learn how it
> works. Today I use just FreeBSD at home and some companies that I used to
> maintain Debian should be migrated gradually to FreeBSD because of better
> stability, up-to-date ports, security and other features that I appreciate
> in FreeBSD today.
> Now what is really important:
> I have checked on the web about brazilian portuguese documentation for
> FreeBSD and I think it's very uncomplete or old.
> I made some searches on google and found some private companies discussions
> and that's all.
> The Documentation Project of FreeBSD Users Group in Brazil
> seems to be stopped since FreeBSD 4
> The home page of the same group is * blank *!
> The subscription page for the mailing list of that group returns an error
> page.
> Do you know what happened to that project? I wanted to subscribe that group
> to help them as I do in other places.
> Today I think is almost impossible for a non english speaking brazilian to
> install and maintain a FreeBSD box. There is no official documentation
> easily available. Maybe some in private forums or spreaded howtos.
> Best regards!
> Flavio Henrique A. Gurgel
> Sao Paulo - Brazil
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