Chinese Bookmark with DVIPDFMx

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Sun Apr 2 17:54:58 UTC 2006

intron at wrote
  in <200604021732.k32HWiqn099718 at>:

in>      Actually, if FDP is transfered into a XSL system, only a few
in> FreeBSD-specific DSSSL style sheets need to be converted into XSL style
in> sheets, and those SGML DTDs need to be converted into XML DTDs with
in> slight changes. After all, most of style sheets for FDP are provided
in> by Norman Walsh, either in DSSSL or in XSL.

 FreeBSD specific DSSSL stylesheet is not small, and the resulting
 documents are different between DSSSL and XSLT.
 I have implemented SGML->XML conversion in NetBSD Documentation
 Project (you can see htdocs/share in their repository), but
 from my experiences, that work is more problematic than one you think.

in>      In fact, Jade/OpenJade's bugs (mainly around its tex-backend) are
in> only minor. TeX's bugs and the glued relationship between Jade/OpenJade
in> and TeX is the substantial of problems. Sometimes, we cannot find
in> a way out for Jade/OpenJade to let TeX consider it as "correct", and
in> maybe even both two sides of a problem are taken as "wrong" by TeX.

 Please show me some concrete examples?  I am still not sure
 what your problem is.  "Which is correct" is always determined
 by the Jade + JadeTeX processing model and such problems should be
 discussed with the authors.  I am interested in it if there is
 a critical problem that we cannot solve now in the current framework.

in>      At least today XML/XSL is the developing trend rather than
in> SGML/DSSSL. So many efforts are focused on XML/XSL in open source
in> community all over the world. XML/XSL system supports Unicode natively,
in> which means all languages including your Nipponese may be well solved.

 Agreed, but the switching over is not straightforward.  I guess you
 think it is relatively easy.

in>      Now MySQL's docments are typeset by Apache FOP, which have better
in> quality than current FreeBSD documents (,
in> even only in English. Their PDFs have commercial-level typesetting
in> styles in some details: word-splitting, margin kerning and font
in> expansion, just as LaTeX + microtype package do. It seems that XSL
in> system is absolutely not a simple "it works" one, at least witnessed
in> by 1727-paged "MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual".

 So, do you have a concrete plan to adopt such typesetting

| Hiroki SATO
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