FreeBSD Roadmap

Mark Linimon linimon at
Wed Sep 21 19:01:00 UTC 2005

On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 11:17:35AM -0700, Rich Morin wrote:
> There should (IMHO) be a "FreeBSD Roadmap" page on the site.  It
> should highlight the MAJOR advances for the most recent releases
> and for any upcoming releases.  This would let the casual reader
> decide whether to consider upgrading, etc.

We have a new article, "Choosing the FreeBSD Version That Is Right For
You", that addresses the upgrade cycle in the abstract but not the
particular feature set.  (I wanted to do that in a companion article
but ran out of time before 6.0).  I don't know if this will be helpful
to you or not but I offer it if so.

I'd like to see someone come up with the feature matrix.


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