Section on installing Mathematica still not updated

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Wed Sep 14 17:12:45 UTC 2005

On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 05:33:36PM +0200, Boris Hollas wrote:
> I discovered that section 10.3 "Installing Mathematica" has still not been
> updated in the handbook. In march, I sent a version updated for Mathematica
> 5 to this list.
> The current documentation is of no help for users who want to install a
> recent version of Mathematica.
> I did not update the section 10.3.4 "Running the Mathematica Frontend over
> a Network" since I installed Mathematica locally. Even with this part
> missing, the updated documentation saves anybody who wants to install a
> local copy of Mathematica a lot of time.

Well, I'm guilty of this.

I let talk died after Brooks Davis mentioned a specific port doing most
of configuration things transparently for the user.  This port would
reduce the amount of documentation to update and would ease user life.

Brooks do you still have the port skeleton you talked about?
Can it be committed and what do we have to remove/update from the
Mathematica section to match this port?


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