Why such a default for IMAGES_LIB_DIR?

Marc Fonvieille blackend at freebsd.org
Mon Sep 12 14:04:23 UTC 2005

On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 01:46:41PM +0400, Yar Tikhiy wrote:
> Hi there,
> I found that building documents outside the doc tree requires
> setting, besides DOC_PREFIX and LANGCODE, IMAGES_LIB_DIR in case
> the documents use, say, callout images.  This is because the default
> for IMAGES_LIB_DIR is as follows in doc.images.mk:
>     IMAGES_LIB_DIR?=        ${.CURDIR}/../../../share/images
> Is there a reason for the default not to be ${DOC_PREFIX}/share/images
> instead?  Are there any alternative doc sub-trees, like src/release, that
> use their own images instead of those from the main doc tree, and so they
> benefit from the current default?  Excuse me for the probably lame
> questions...  Thanks.

Not sur if it answers to your question but:

If you use

IMAGES = my_image.eps

instead of

IMAGES_EN = my_image.eps

in a document Makefile you can use a "local" image located in the
document directory.


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