Are there any directions, how to translate usergroups.xml?

Rudolf Cejka cejkar at
Thu Sep 8 09:28:54 UTC 2005

  I'm trying to look at creating and maintaining translation of new
usergroups.xml and could not find any way, how to do it.

- Why are XML_USERGROUPS and XSL_USERGROUPS in doc/share/mk/,
  and not in www/share/mk/ - do they have any dependency on doc
  tree like mirrors?

- Why is there not any localization possibility for XML_USERGROUPS and
  XSL_USERGROUPS, like .if exists(... LANGCODE ...) for transtable.xml,
  or like news.xml/press.xml with local and original file?

- Why are templates.usergroups.xsl and usergroups.xml in share/sgml?
  What is shareable in them? I even could not change output encoding
  because of this. Why they are not as www/en/usergroups.xsl and
  www/en/usergroups.xml, like news and press in news, or like

- How can I use translating for continent names? I tried to defined new
  group id="continent", but without any success.

Is it possible to completely back it out and rework it from the ground?


Rudolf Cejka <cejkar at>
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology
Bozetechova 2, 612 66  Brno, Czech Republic

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