docs/87445: comments for improvement of handbook/kernelconfig-config.html

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Sat Oct 15 16:27:57 UTC 2005

Marc Fonvieille <blackend at> wrote
  in <20051015153207.GF1202 at>:

bl> Our current problem is that supporting 6.X, 5.X and 4.X at the same time
bl> in our docs is a nightmare.  It is not really possible to maintain many
bl> versions of the same large doc (book) without headaches, especially for

 I do not think splitting the existing handbook into ones for
 each version helps for the maintenance.  Although the handbook
 is very large as you pointed out, many parts of it are version-neutral.
 Parts where supporting multiple versions is important and the maintenance
 is difficult, should be split off into an article, I think.  The kernconfig
 section is a good candidate for that because 1) this section is less
 important for average users now since they do not need to create
 their own custom kernel, and 2) the information is version-specific.

 Splitting the whole handbook duplicates the version-neutral parts and
 it makes the maintenance difficult, I guess.  Which part is difficult
 to maintain now?  If there is such a part, probably it should not
 be in the handbook.

| Hiroki SATO
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