docs/81208: Inconsistency between and porters-handbook for LIB_DEPENDS

Vasil Dimov vd at
Wed May 18 15:50:02 UTC 2005

>Number:         81208
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       Inconsistency between and porters-handbook for LIB_DEPENDS
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed May 18 15:50:01 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Vasil Dimov
>Release:        FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE i386

System: FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #6: Tue May 10 12:46:25 EEST 2005     root at  i386


Porters-handbook states that lib part in LIB_DEPENDS (in ports'
Makefiles) is passed as argument to the command:
ldconfig -r | grep -wF
which is incorrect, especially the -F flag and the state that it
may not contain regular expressions.

ldconfig -r | grep -vwF -e "${PKGCOMPATDIR}" | grep -qwE -e "-l$pattern"
is used and I think that grep -vwF -e "${PKGCOMPATDIR}" and the -q flag
to the second grep call can be omitted for simplicity.
$pattern is lib part of LIB_DEPENDS with dots escaped.



--- book.sgml.patch begins here ---
--- book.sgml.orig	Wed May 18 18:03:46 2005
+++ book.sgml	Wed May 18 18:34:26 2005
@@ -3033,9 +3033,11 @@
-	    <para>The <replaceable>lib</replaceable> part is an argument given
-	      to <command>ldconfig -r | grep -wF</command>.  There shall be no
-	      regular expressions in this variable.</para>
+	    <para>Library existence is checked with command:
+	    <command>ldconfig -r | grep -wE -e "-l$pattern"</command>.
+	    Where <replaceable>$pattern</replaceable> is the
+	    <replaceable>lib</replaceable> part of <makevar>LIB_DEPENDS</makevar>
+	    with dots (.) escaped (\.).</para>
 	  <para>The dependency is checked twice, once from within the
--- book.sgml.patch ends here ---

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