FAQ acknowledgements page

Roman Neuhauser neuhauser at sigpipe.cz
Fri May 13 00:41:55 UTC 2005

# mwlucas at blackhelicopters.org / 2005-05-12 15:39:08 -0400:
> So, I'm looking at the acknowledgements page.  I have to say, I think
> it's outdated.
> Of the people who are named, two of them (jkh and wollman) last
> committed 4 years ago.  Many, many people have contributed since then.
> pds has been gone for years.
> I see a few options:
> a) ignore the acknowledgements page, and enjoy how decrepit it is
>     becoming.  This is the default.
> b) update the acknowledgements page, going through the PR database and
>     the commit log to get a proper list of names.
> c) update the acknowledgements page by deleting names and writing
>     something along the lines of "hundreds if not thousands of people
>     have contributed to the FAQ over the last ten years, and we thank
>     them all."
> d) delete the acknowledgements page.

    merge the names into articles/contributors and delete the
    acknowledgements page?

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.             http://bash.org/?255991

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