docs/78240: Replace <literal> with <quote> around a #

Murray Stokely murray at
Sat Mar 19 03:45:09 UTC 2005

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 05:41:44AM +0200, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> You're right.  I wanted the quotes _in addition_ to any formatting
> already there.  Many thanks for the DSSSL help :-)
> I've been planning to experiment with this in various output formats for
> a while, but didn't get around to it.  Knowing the correct way to do
> this, is certainly helpful.
> BTW, where does one go to learn more about DSSSL these days?

The main document is the dsssl96b.pdf ISO spec.  Other than that you
can search the oasis and docbook-apps mailing lists when you have a
specific query.  Looking through the default DocBook stylesheets is
also a good way to learn about relatively advanced DSSSL usage.  Norm
Walsh himself explained the (next-match) stuff to Nik and I at an
O'Reilly conference almost 5 years ago.

	- Murray

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