Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Mon Mar 14 09:53:47 UTC 2005

Hi all,

 Although we have about 10 days only until the doc slush begins,
 I am considering sorting out the doc-related TODO items for 5.4R.

 The attached TODO list includes both of required and desired
 items.   Any volunteers for these?

| Hiroki SATO

---(begin here)

- Manual page update

 * missing manual pages

   We need the following manual pages:

   drivers in the acpi_support directory:
	acpi_asus(4), acpi_ibm(4), acpi_panasonic(4)
	acpi_sony(4), and acpi_toshiba(4).

 * RFC derived manual page fix

   The following manual pages have to be MFC'd:


 * sound(4) related manual page fix

   sound(4), pcm(4), snd(4), and snd_*(4) drivers are still
   obscure to the users.  They will not be simplified (unifying them
   to snd(4) and snd_*(4) drivers, for example) in 5.x,
   so some rewording of the manual pages which say "this ambiguity
   in the naming will be fixed soon" is needed and some explanation
   should be added into the handbook.

- Migration Guide update

 The FreeBSD Migration Guide should be updated to reflect the
 reality of 5.4-RELEASE.  I personally think this document is still
 needed because the number of people who will try to upgrade their
 boxes from 4.11R to 5.4R is not small since some review articles
 on the net have said "5.3-RELEASE is unstable".

- IPv6 documentation prefix

 APNIC recommends use of IPv6 documentation prefix (2001:0db8::/32)
 in technical books, articles, and training material.
 Rewriting IPv6 addresses in our docs is needed similarly to
 example.{org,net,com} sample domain names.

     RFC 3849

- Handbook update

  * disk partitioning and the related utilities

    The section 16.3 "adding disks" includes some descriptions on
    disk partitions, fdisk, disklabel, and so on.  However, it seems
    to assume i386 platform and 4.x and early 5.x releases (for example,
    we do not have the fdisk program on FreeBSD/sparc64).  It needs more
    detailed explanations.

  * vinum(4) subsystem

    vinum(4) subsystem is likely to be replaced with GEOM based version,
    but we have both of them as well as gvinum(8) and vinum(8) userland
    utilities now.  Some rewriting is needed in the section 17.7, 17.8,
    and 17.9, for example.

  * ntpd(8) program

    Some descriptions in the section 23.11 are a bit outdated.
    The rc.d/ntpd script is now the recommended way to start the
    server, and driftfile directive in the ntp.conf(5) is already
    specified as an command line option in $ntpd_flags by default in 5.x.

  * Kerberos IV and Kerberos 5

    We can probably remove (or mark as obsolete) Kerberos IV
    in the section 14.8 because it is deprecated and encouraged not to use
    due to security issue.

  * IPsec

    The section 14.10 is based on 4.x and needs to be revised.

  * GBDE

    The description in the handbook (the section 16.15) is outdated.
    Specifically, a sample fstab(5) file and some description of
    $gdbe_swap_enable in rc.conf(5) are needed.

  * other GEOM-based userland utilities

    We need how-to document about geom(8), gmirror(8), gstripe(8),
    and graid3(8).

----(end here)
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