MAC documentation typo

Tom Rhodes trhodes at
Wed Mar 2 00:40:26 UTC 2005

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 22:20:10 -0500
Nicholas Tarnek <ntarnek at> wrote:

> I was reading through the MAC section of the FreeBSD Handbook and came
> across the following error on a  page
> (
> _snip_
> And adding the following line to the default user class:
> :label=mls/equal,biba/equal,partition/equal:
> _endsnip_
> The partition label appears syntactically incorrect.
> >From the mac_partition(4) man page:
> Label Format
>      Partition labels take on the following format:
> 	   partition/value
>      Where value can be any integer value or ``none''.	For example:
> 	   partition/1
> 	   partition/20
> 	   partition/none
> There is no mention of 'equal' being a valid value for a partition label.
> Based upon the remainder of this document, it appears as if the
> correct partition label should be 'partition/15'.

Fixed, thanks!

Sorry that took me so long, I've been busy.

Tom Rhodes

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