doc build failure in ja_JP.eucJP/articles/contributing

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Wed Jul 13 15:18:14 UTC 2005

Hi Simon,

"Simon L. Nielsen" <simon at> wrote
  in <20050713121031.GC46751 at>:

si> Yesterday I upgraded the doc toolchain on the system that builds the
si> documentation that goes on the FreeBSD FTP sites (it's
si>  Now I get the build failre shown below in
si> ja_JP.eucJP/articles/contributing when building a "ps" document.  I
si> have also reproduced this on another system.  Is anybody else seeing
si> the same thing?
si> All the ports on the system is up-to-date wrt. to what's in ports at
si> the moment.

 I will investigate this.  Perhaps this is because JadeTeX does not
 support Japanese characters.

| Hiroki SATO
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