"Cannot dump. No dump device defined" while using sysinstall

Ben Salem benfsalem at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 19 03:41:01 UTC 2005

After booting w/ floppies, installation with
fails in /stand/sysinstall when using fdisk, or
anything else besides the sysinstall menu it seems.  I
don't think it's specific to fdisk though.  Im
installing on an AMD-k6 200mhz(intel mobo w/ award
bios), w/64mb ram, s3-virge pci vid-card, and a
realtek isa ethernet card.

This is the full output of the error message:
panic: page fault
Uptime: 1h39m46s
Cannot dump.  No dump device defined.
Automatic reboot in 15 seconds - press a key on the
console to abort
--> Press a key on the console to reboot,
--> or switch off the system now.
I left the sysinstall menu on the second time for over
an hour to see if it was caused by me doing things or
not.  It definetly only does it when Im trying to
continue with the installation (fdisk, label editor,
an actual funtion, not just strolling through the

Any help at all is greatly appreciated.

Thank you, 
Ben Salem
Wichita, Ks

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