More than one NTFS resizer exists

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Sat Feb 26 22:24:07 UTC 2005

On 2005-02-26 18:19, "Devon H. O'Dell" <dodell at> wrote:
>On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 18:08 +0100, Paul Colin Gloster wrote:
>> "PartitionMagic is the only known application that can resize NTFS".
>> TeraByte Unlimited's BooyIt Next Generation does this very well and
>> has been documented on GNU/Linux forums for this reason: [...]
> Additionally, there are other free utilities and LiveCDs which can do
> this:
> qtparted is a frontend to this and knoppix distributes it.

Cool.  I haven't used any of these tools, but if any of you have done so
and feel like helping us improve the text of the Handbook with more
accurate information, please do not hesitate to mail me with suggestions
for fixing this in the Handbook.  Preferably in the form of diffs, but
plain short text snippets are ok too.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention :-)

- Giorgos

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