Missing issue in 16.4.3 of handbook

Willy Offermans W.K.Offermans at TUe.nl
Sat Feb 5 23:29:31 UTC 2005

Dear FreeBSD friends,

I believe something is missing in chapter 16.4.3 (Rebuilding ATA RAID1
Arrays) of the handbook.

step 3 tells to reattach the disk as a spare.
the command to use is:

# atacontrol attach 3

But this is not enough to rebuild the array, e.g. the next step:

Rebuild the array:

# atacontrol rebuild ar0

In between `atacontrol attach 3` and `atacontrol rebuild ar0` there
should be the following command:

# atacontrol addspare ar0 ad6

Otherwise the rebuild command will do nothing!!!

Attach only reverses detach!! addspare completes the array and rebuild
makes a synchronize.

I hope some people can confirm this. I already found some confirmation
on the net: http://joseph.randomnetworks.com/archives/category/how-to/

Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
De jrus wah,


W.K. Offermans
Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Laboratory of Catalysis (SKA)
building ST-W 4.27, PO Box 513
5600 MB  Eindhoven, Netherlands
Tel:    +31 40 247 37 81
Fax:    +31 40 245 50 54
Home:   +31 45 544 49 44
Mobile: +31 653 119 666
e-mail: w.k.offermans at tue.nl

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